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Work gives us more than we think. When there is no work, we are degrading, you always need to do something and learn new things. I always share work and sport.

Full immersion. Super Training Techniques for Quick Skills

The idea of classical teaching - when we listen to lectures, read textbooks and do exercises - is based on the transfer effect: it is assumed that what is learned in one context (in the audience) will be applied at the right time in another (in real life). Unfortunately, this almost never works.

To learn quickly and effectively, it is worthwhile to get knowledge in the same context in which we will apply it. There are 4 tricks in the book Super Teaching that will help you organize this.


Project Based Learning

Many super-workers (people who master knowledge and skills extremely quickly) choose projects rather than courses. The logic is simple: if you organize your training around the production grabmyessay review of something, then you are guaranteed to learn how to do this thing. If you just attend classes, you can spend a lot of time on notes and reading, but never reach the goal.


Immersion training

Diving is when you literally dive into the environment in which the skill is practiced. The simplest example is learning a language in the country where it is used. Staying among the speakers guarantees: you will communicate much more and more diverse than you would do in the audience, which means that you will learn the language faster.

Learning a foreign language is not the only area of ​​application of the immersion method. For example, novice programmers can join open source projects to try themselves in solving new coding problems. Think about how to immerse yourself in the area you are studying.

Flight Simulation Method

Projects and immersion are cool, but some skills cannot be developed in real conditions. Safe piloting or surgery cannot be safely practiced. In this case, try to simulate the most similar situation.

For example, a flight simulator is used to teach piloting. This is almost as effective as controlling a real airplane if you reproduce the same tasks that you have to solve in the air. The simulator does not have to be perfect: it does not matter whether the graphics and sound exactly match the flight. It is important that key skills are trained. Then the transfer will be easier.


Redundant approach

This method consists in maximizing the expansion and complexity of the task. For example, superman Tristan de Montebello mastered his oratory skills before speaking at the World Cup. At first he trained at oratory clubs, but felt that he was appreciated there too gently. Then he decided to perform in secondary schools.

Schoolchildren are merciless. If jokes are not funny and speech is boring, they openly express it. Tristan immediately read in faces: "Redo!" Such honest feedback allowed us to learn faster and more intensively.

Think about how you can learn “in abundance,” that is, to solve problems more complex than those that confront you in real life. However, do not overestimate yourself: a hostile environment can demotivate and undermine faith in one’s abilities. Choose a high but adequate level of requirements.